
Theme of the Conference

We would like to invite you to participate in the 24th European Dental Materials Conference 2017. Current problems posed with dental materials will be analysed by key note speakers and research presentations showing innovations, solutions and discoveries in the field of dental materials will be presented.

This theme will be carried through the topics of bioactive glasses, glass-ceramics and polymer/composites in sessions throughout the two-day conference. This work will show real clinical outcomes in implantology, restorative and regenerative dentistry and use of new analytical techniques. This is a good opportunity to gain advanced knowledge in a broad field with researchers who are carrying out ground breaking research!

A session with advanced characterisation techniques including neutron and synchrotron x-ray scattering, diffraction tomography, NMR and TEM is also included. This conference provides good opportunities for friendly interaction and discussion with a diverse interdisciplinary group, including well-known researchers and leading experts in academia and industry. The participant will benefit from exposure to new and innovative research and techniques, ensuring a high learning outcome.

Student participation is encouraged and a student-focussed workshop, “How to write a scientific paper for publication”, on the 30th August by Journal Editors. There will also be the opportunity to present your own research via poster presentations.

Keynote Speakers Include:

Professor David Watts

(Biomaterials Science, Head of research group: Adhesive Biomaterials & Biomechanics School of Dentistry, University of Manchester, UK)

Professor Robert Hill 

(Professor of Physical Sciences in relation to  Dentistry, Barts and the London, School of Dentistry, UK).

Dr Gary Fleming

(Head of the Materials Science Unit, School of Dental Sciences, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland).

Professor Delia Brauer

(Head Structure Property-Relationship in glasses group, Otto-Schott-Institute, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany).

Professor Owen Addison

(Chair Biomedical Materials Science group/Consultant in Restorative Dentistry, School of Dentistry, University of Birmingham, UK).

Professor Anne Young

Professor of Biomaterials& Tissue Eng., UCL Eastman Dental Institute, UK.

Professor Dr Martin Rosentritt

Department of Prosthodontics, University Hospital Regensburg.


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